Advances in filler technology have enabled aesthetic physicians to greatly change the way they treat patients. At Cosmetic Laser MD in Livingston, New Jersey, Susan Stevens Tanne, M.D. uses volumizing fillers such as Radiesse and Juvederm Ultra Plus to move facial structures such as cheeks and jaws. “Juvederm Ultra can augment the hollow under the eyes and the lips,’” says Dr. Tanne.
The nasolabial fold (the crease the extends from the corner of the nose to the mouth) forms not from the lack of soft tissue in this area, but rather from MID FACE DESCENT - that slow march south of the mid face that begins in one’s 20’s when bone loss and drooping of the fat pads combine with skin laxity to allow the face to drift downwards. The result of this is a line that deepens into the nasolabial crease.
While some filling of the crease will help improve this, much of the nasolabial crease can be corrected by injecting filler into the upper cheek. By using structural and volumizing fillers, a true “face lift” can be attained.
“Injections to lift the face are among the best uses of fillers that I can offer to my patients. Don’t allow yourself to be treated by someone still trapped in the “line filling” approach,” says Dr. Tanne.
Filler injections into some other areas also help reverse the signs of aging, and only need a small amount of product for great results. For instance, filler injected into the earlobes will correct the creases that form in the ear lobe and the sagging that occurs. Filler will easily reverse this. The replaced volume frequently provides dramatic result. The nose is an area that droops with aging. Small amounts of injected filer will give a “lift to this area”. The back of the hands are another area that shows signs of aging. Volume correction gets rid of the “bony and veiny” appearance of this area. The use of laser photorejuvenation to eliminate brown spots, and fractional resurfacing to improve the texture of the skin, completes the rejuvenation of this area.
As new techniques and products become available, the art of using injectable fillers is being elevated beyond what some may regard as mere “spackling”.
For a complimentary consultation to determine whether treatment with injectable fillers can benefit you, please contact Cosmetic laser MD of Livingston, New Jersey at 973.716.9000 or info@cosmeticlasermd.com.