Friday, February 18, 2011


When cheeks are flat and lack definition, they can cause the face to look drawn, which is very aging. Contouring the cheeks by adding volume can give the face natural-looking symmetry, youthful balance, and a more feminine appearance.

Fat is taken from another part of your body, like the abdomen or hips, and combined with Selphyl, a rejuvenating filler which is made from the platelets in a vial of your own blood. The Selphyl increases the longevity of the fat by stimulating new blood vessels to form. We then inject the fat-Selphyl mixture into your face precisely where volume is needed. “FAT TRANSFER” is currently the most popular option for long-term rejuvenating fullness. Using your own fat requires an additional mini lipo-like procedure to be performed. You will have a day or two of downtime in the liposuction area which will feel like you did some serious crunch classes. Best of all, the results are long-lasting and very natural.

Fillers are a good way of test-driving what your cheeks could look like with fat injections. Placing Juvederm, Restylane or Radiesse in the upper area of the cheek adds fullness and can also lift the area below the cheek. Results are immediate, and last an average of six months to one year depending on the product used. There is a chance of some mild bruising at the injection site which will subside within a few days.

By lifting the cheeks with one of these methods, other facial features are subtly lifted, too—like the corners of the mouth and the jawline—which gives a nice contour, and restores youthfulness to the face.

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