Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Skinny on Fat - VelaShape

Last weekend Cosmetic Laser MD attended the 30th annual meeting of the American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery (ASLMS) held in Phoenix, Arizona from Thursday, April 14 through Sunday April 18. Almost 2,000 Cosmetic physicians from around the world attended this important and highly educational meeting. A hot topic discussed at length at the meeting was the issue of fat reduction. Fat reduction is one of the top treatments sought by patients in the Cosmetic Surgery industry. Concerns regarding fat reduction are common, as it is estimated: more than 80% of women over the age of 20, regardless of their weight or size, are affected by cellulite.

Many hours were spent on this exciting and ever more popular topic. A variety of devices using a host of energy sources were discussed, and many research papers were presented regarding the effectiveness of these treatments. The devices used ranged from those using different types of radiofrequency, a new device that freezes fat, devices using focused ultrasound, high frequency ultrasound, and laser energy. Several non-invasive and minimally invasive treatments have been show to be effective treatment options.

As the United States continues to be a country plagued by an abundance of excess fat, these treatments are becoming increasingly more popular. While some of these devices need more studies before the cost and time of performing these treatments becomes a good option for patients, there are in fact effective Laser Treatment options for those who seek fat reduction. Unfortunately, some of these treatments are quite time consuming. The new Zeltiq treatment, which freezes fat, is effective, but takes approximately one hour per area.  The body is split up into zones, so if you are treating something like "love handles", it would be a total of two hours to treat those areas.

Since the FDA clearance, Cosmetic Laser MD has been using a the VelaShape treatment for body contouring and cellulite reduction with great success rate. We find patients tend to be very happy with this effective and relatively comfortable treatment -- the best part being that it only takes a total of 20 minutes. 

One of the best parts of attending a world class meeting is the opportunity to view a wide variety of laser and other energy-based equipment. Since vendors from around the world attend this meeting to show off their devices, its nice to have the experience of seeing them in action first-hand. The chance to evaluate these devices from many different manufacturers and determine their potential place in our practice is something to look forward to annually.
After watching many demonstrations on the effectiveness and use of different cosmetic laser treatments, VelaShape still remains the best non-invasive option for body contouring and cellulite reduction. Cellulite, which looks like dimpling on the surface of the skin, is actually caused by an accumulation of displaced fat and toxins that are trapped just beneath the surface of skin. Contrary to popular belief, Cellulite is not caused by being overweight. In fact, the majority of people who seek treatment are in good physical condition, but have pockets of cellulite on their arms, hips, thighs or buttocks. The best candidates for VelaShape are healthy individuals who are at or near their ideal weight and who follow a healthful diet and exercise program.

To book a consultation to receive a VelaShape treatment, click here or call (973)716.9000.

And that’s the skinny for now.


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